My body is healthy. My mind is creative. My soul is calm.

Hi, I’m Kass! I’m an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, Hormone Health Specialist, Gut Health Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer and if that’s not enough to show my love for health, I’m continuing my studies to become a Nutritionist to help serve my community in a very diverse and holistic way!

I live in a small town in Ontario, Canada where everyone knows everyone. I’m a big dog lover, beach girly, and always down for an adventure. I’m usually either reading a personal development book with a tea or smoothie by my side… or training in the gym, or tearing up the dance floor with my boyfriend Brett (who is also my best friend since we were little kids). I initially went to college for Executive Office Administration at Fanshawe College and this was where I first found my love for fitness when I joined the campus gym with my roommate.

I grew up playing hockey and soccer since I was a little girl and it truly was a huge part of my life. I loved the team aspect and being apart of a community. I also had a big passion for running when I was younger and loved cross country and track and field. Watching and implementing healthy habits from my family either from the gym, the kitchen, or their self-care practices, paired with my education and my passions, is what lead me here, creating this work to pour health back into my community and make health not so out of reach and fitness really enjoyable for everyone.

Feeling lost, career burn out, gut issues + head injury ….

In September 2020, I enrolled in IIN - the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and within six months, I had created a completely new mindset, habits, love and respect for myself and the life I wanted to create. In April 2021, I made a huge health decision to come off of hormonal birth control and that was when I really began my natural health journey. This came with a ton of backlash. But after taking my Hormone Health Specialty course, I knew I needed to. That began my journey of learning who I was without the synthetic drug that I was on since 12 years old (i’ll be writing a blog post or podcast episode in more detail on my entire BC story, don’t worry).

I made a big career change and it entailed working only weekends … 12 hour shifts building fabric buildings … in the heart of winter.. in the middle of a pandemic. It completely got me out of my comfort zone, which is everything and more I needed at that time of my life. I found myself not able to attend any parties or social activities because I was so tired on the weekends after work, I focused on my finances, spent all my days off either reading personal development books, working out at the gym, cooking lots, started walking and taking really good care of myself. I ended up developing such a mentally tough foundation for what was to come in my upcoming months. One weekend, I got into an accident and was hospitalized with severe concussion symptoms. This injury gave me no choice but to quit my physical production job and I eventually got a job at my local health food store that I adored (which was such a blessing). My concussion symptoms got worse and waking up with inflammation in my entire face, eye strain, migraines, total exhaustion, so much anxiety, and brutal neck and shoulder pain became my new normal. I became my very first health coaching client and poured so much love, energy and time into healing through movement that helped with the circulation in my body, meditations to calm my nervous system, time in nature to help with the anxiety and stress, time with loved ones to increase those happy chemicals in my body, lots more rest to heal my brain, and connecting with many practitioners along the way to have the necessary help along this journey to feeling good in my body. Since starting at the health food store and being fully immersed in all things health and wellness, I naturally started taking better care of myself and became more interested in how I felt on the inside instead of how my life or my body looked on the outside.

What i’ve come to realize is that my journey is forever evolving and these health changes like dealing with post concussion symptoms, Celiac’s Disease, having mono, coming off of hormonal birth control, career changes etc.. ended up becoming a large part of my foundation to who I am now and the coach and practitioner that I am in this world - and for that I am extremely grateful.

My mindset, habits, and routines are the building blocks for success towards my wellness and life goals. And when you really start living like your body is your forever home and treating it the same as your physical investments like your home, your car or fancy things, then that’s where so much internal peace comes into play. Life becomes fun, easy, balanced and really wholesome when you treat your mind and body like they are really loved.

If you made it here, thank you! And I can’t wait to work with you!

(welcome to my little community!)
IIN Health Coach & Personal Trainer

My mindset, habits, and routines are the building blocks for success ….