Kass Martin Kass Martin

Blog is coming :)

Hi angels!! Woooo!! I am seriously soooo excited! I finally have my very own website. One where I can just pour my freaking heart out, share fitness programs, upload my recipes to, launch my very own businesses (aka my babies that have been in the making for years), and share all things hormone health, gut health, mindset and fitness. If you know me well, you know I am obsessed with writing long captions on Instagram about my own personal health, fitness and relationship experiences. It takes a boat load of courage to show up online, let alone open up about your struggles and share your most authentic self. I feel almost as though the pandemic really ripped that courage right out from underneath me. It isn’t the same anymore. I used to share so much of my own opinions on a wide variety of fitness and health topics without much say from my community. During the pandemic, I began to have some people misconstrue my words online (yes, on health and fitness topics) and it became incredibly exhausting and I started holding back on a couple of things to eventually all of the things I am very passionate in talking about. I still love being online but I want my very own space that feels safe and accepted to share my words.. My space where I can let my fingers write about my favourite things in this world that I care deeply about like fitness, hormones, nutrition, mental health, and relationships. I hope you find peace in my words as much as I find peace in typing them out. Muahhhh much love my angels!

Your little word lover, Kass

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